


通过各种练习,演练,比赛和团队合作来发展和提高学生的足球技巧。 学习和练习必要的足球技巧,足以掌握运球,传球,射球和防守。


Develop and improve students’ soccer talent with a variety of drills, games, and team play through scrimmages. Learn and practice essential soccer skills to master the techniques of dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense.



帮助学生发展基本的国际象棋战术和中级策略,以提高学生的计划和解决问题的能力。 国际象棋可激发逻辑,解决问题和集中注意力,这将有助于提高孩子的想象力和决策能力。


Help students to develop basic chess tactics and intermediate strategies with increase to their planning and problem solving abilities. Chess promotes logic, problem solving, and concentration that will help to improve children’s imagination and decision making.



课程将了解少林功夫哲学,学习建立扎实的功夫技巧和发展强大的技能。 少林功夫需要时间的累积,可以使自己的头脑更加平静与专注,让自己更健康与身体更紧实。

Shaolin Kung Fu

Understand the Shaolin Kung Fu philosophy, learn to build solid Kung Fu techniques and develop strong skills. Shaolin Kung Fu takes time and dedication, and helps to feel fitter and healthier with a calmer and more focused mind.



从观察和想象中探索艺术。 学习颜色理论,线条,明暗度,形状,组成和表面处理的基础知识。 帮助学生建立艺术上的信心,并将学生的想法展现在作品中。

Creative Arts

Explore art from observation and imagination. Learn fundamentals of color theory, line quality, light and shade, rendering of form, composition, and surface manipulation. Help students to develop artistic confidence and bring their ideas to life.



教授一种极其复杂的游戏 ,鼓励幼儿同时发展独特的工作分析(左脑)和艺术(右脑)心智能力。提高孩子的耐心、逻辑能力、观察能力、决策能力、创造力、记忆力和计算能力。

Weiqi (Go)

Teaches a game of profound complexity and encourages young children to develop a unique integration of working analytic (left brain) and artistic (right brain) mental abilities at the same time. Improve your child's patience, logical skills, observation skills, decision-making skills, creativity skills, memory, and calculation power.



在各种情况下,提供机会来练习,准备和演示公共口头演讲的技能。 帮助学生提高批判性听力的技巧,并纠正不适合的演讲习惯。 协助学生培养冷静和自信。

Public Speaking

Provide an environment to develop and strengthen skills in preparing and presenting public oral presentations in a variety of situations. Help students to sharpen skills in critical listening and to correct speech habits and characteristics. Assist students to cultivate poise and self-confidence.



通过创新的编辑程式平台,向学生介绍自己动手学习STEM的方法。 透过使用专用的笔,卡片,拼图和机器人来学习程式设计,帮助学生发展编辑程式背后的关键性和逻辑性思维技能。

AI Programming

Introduce students to hands-on approaches to learn STEM with an innovative programming platform. Help students to develop critical and logical thinking skills behind programming by learning basic coding with sets of special pens, cards, puzzles, and robots.